For general enquiries and appointments, please call (02) 8488 0810. We also kindly ask that you read the following information prior to your appointment, to help make the most of your experience with us.
- You will need a referral letter from your GP or Specialist before your appointment. A GP referral is valid for 12 months. A referral from another Specialist is only valid for 3 months.
- You will need a new referral letter if you are seeing your regular Paediatrician for a new problem.
- If unsure about the validity of your referral, please contact our reception to clarify whether a new referral is required prior to your appointment.
- A valid referral will allow you to claim a Medicare rebate.
- Medicare card
- Your referral and completed new patient form
- Maternal and Child Health record (Blue Book)
- Any relevant medical results (blood tests and radiology reports)
- Any relevant school reports
- Talk to your child about the purpose of the appointment and what they may expect. Paediatricians can ask a lot of questions so as to get a history and full picture of your child’s health or concerns.
- Payment for your service will be required on the day of your appointment and can be made by cash or credit card.
- Please ensure you have a relevant and current referral to ensure we can process your Medicare rebate.